balconies - Auckland apartment building
Those viewers who follow the progression of my work know that I return regularly to architectural compositions that highlight the interplay within urban setting of natural and built environments, as well as the expressive repetition of designs patterns.
The image featured in this entry borrows from both themes.
Taking the time to walk within a deliberate arc across the front facade of an apartment building, an otherwise unexceptional structure, reveals the veiled caress of leaf and cement. It is an intimate embrace, the gentle movement of hand on cheek.
Also present and deliciously appealing is the repetitive echos of cascading forms, tree branch and balcony, which lend to the visual impress of the moment the suggestion of balletic movement - the fractal swirl of branch, the rhythmic pulse of engineered structure.
Never had I thought to compare leafy convergence of concrete as a hand caressing a cheek. But thee softness of your final composition makes it believable! I like it when writing and visual art work so well together