The urban story I find most interesting is granular. It is a tale of neighbourhood,* street, alley and lane.
The effort of capturing photographic urban vignettes compresses scale yet further. It is the visual language of ephemera: crumbling stairs at an abandon boat dock; the momentary repose on a street corner; or the play of shadow and dappled light on a building.
Having recently moved with Dolph into a neighbourhood of Auckland’s city centre, into an apartment in the harbour area of Wynyard Quarter, I now have the luscious luxury of central Auckland at my doorstep, day and night.
And so I begin my latest, perhaps more sustained, visual exploration of my adopted city, as I assume the playful garb of urban hipster and attempt to capture visual impressions, one lane or alley at a time.
* I ask my Stateside folk to forgive what may present an affectation of mine (maybe one of many!). I am a social chameleon who adopts an array of cultural customs of the place in which I reside, both to address and assuage my feelings of being 'other' (the opt-repeated: So, Rich, where are you from?) and to acknowledge demonstrably that, while I am an emigre, I have transplanted my feet deeply and firmly in this new soil. So explains/perhaps excuses/ my use of [broadly] British spellings throughout this annotated visual diary.